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      Facts and curiosa about me and my work. Do you want to know more? Don't hesitate to contact me!      

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I'm a experienced Director of Photography Based in Southern Sweden, available Worldwide!

With over fifteen years of industry experience, I bring extensive knowledge of filmmaking and a deep understanding of light design, storytelling, and post-production. I have collaborated on a diverse array of projects, including commercials, feature films, TV series, music videos, documentaries, and short films.

My journey began after graduating from Skurups Filmlinje (Sweden) in 2006, followed by freelancing from 2008. Between 2012 and 2013, I worked full-time in Paris at Killdeath, a production company within the renowned advertising agency Fred & Farid. Since then, I have continued freelancing as a Director of Photography, delivering cinematic visuals across various formats and styles. In 2018, I was honored to be an associated member of FSF (Swedish Society of Cinematographers).

I am always open to new collaborations, large or small, and bring dedication to every project. For more details, please refer to my CV and Showreel, and don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Godkänd för F-skatt

sedan 2008

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# Work

          2024   Contracted Content Creator at WanÃ¥s Center for Art

2013-2024   Freelancing Filmmaker

          2013    Instructor in Adobe Premiere at Folkuniversitetet in Malmö

2012-2013    Employed by FRED & FARID Group in Paris, France at KILLDEATH

2008-2012   Freelancing Filmmaker

# Education

           2006  Nordic Filmmaking Workshop - Lenzflare / The Film Training Company -  Practical 35mm Film workshop

2004-2006   Filmschool “Filmlinjen” - Skurups Folkhögskola, Skurup, Swe - Vocational Film education

           2005   Job training - Bald Film – Filmbyen, Danmark – Job training 10 weeks. Runner and assistant

           2004  Film science & Multimedia - Kronborg, Malmö, Swe - Multimedia A, Film science and more

2000-2003   Visual arts - Frans Suellsgymnasiet, Malmö, Swe – Still photo A & B, Digital creating and more

# Prize/ award

The short film ”Bränner Staden” won third prize within ″Dance & Music Category″


Staff pick on 2012 for: "The Second Vision"


”Best Photo” working as a DOP 2006 on the Short movie ”En död kråka”


# Press & links

White Arkitekter

New York Times


FSF Sweden

Hage - Råängen

Vad dom än säger - Vo PAM - Feivel - It was my heart

Sydsvenskan - Gaby and the Guns

Bränner Staden IMDB


no film school

Vimeo Staff Pic

Nasty old people blogg

Nasty old people imdb

Nasty old people wiki


# License

Driver license: SWE - B

Drone license: EU -  A1/A2/A3


# Cameras and formats - knowledge

All kinds of digital and analog formats. 

From ARRI ALEXA to Super8.


# Computer knowledge

Instructor in Adobe Suite

Home is were my Mac is but I can build a PC.

And I handle much more!


# Language knowledge

Swedish: Mother tongue 

English: Fluid 

Danish: Good knowledge


# Reference



Svensk Filmdatabas

Film Café

Please contact me for more information!



Erfaren filmfotograf baserad i södra Sverige, tillgänglig över hela världen

Med över femton års erfarenhet inom branschen har jag en djup kunskap om filmskapande och en stark förståelse för ljusdesign, berättande och postproduktion. Jag har samarbetat i en mängd olika projekt, inklusive reklamfilmer, långfilmer, TV-serier, musikvideor, dokumentärer och kortfilmer.

Min resa började efter examen från Skurups Filmlinje 2006, och jag började frilansa 2008. Mellan 2012 och 2013 arbetade jag heltid i Paris på produktionsbolaget Killdeath, en del av den välrenommerade reklambyrån Fred & Farid. Sedan dess har jag fortsatt frilansa som filmfotograf och levererat filmiska bilder i olika format och stilar. År 2018 blev jag hedrad med att bli associerad medlem i FSF (Föreningen Sveriges Filmfotografer).

Jag är alltid öppen för nya samarbeten, stora som små, och bidrar med engagemang till varje projekt. För mer information, vänligen se mitt CV och Showreel, och tveka inte att kontakta mig.

# Instagram


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